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Breakfast Meeting - Part I

Posted on Sun Jul 30th, 2023 @ 2:17am by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust

1,067 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: USS Hecate - Deck 3 Officer's Mess
Timeline: Three Days Prior to Launch


Burke adjusted his glasses and regarded the room critically, meticulously noting the place settings and arrangement of the table. He had tried his level best to achieve a relaxed atmosphere and have a casual feel to the first meeting with his senior-most officers. Some I've already met, some I know by reputation ... and the others will be delightful to get to know, no doubt,' he smiled to himself.

Turning to the Operations crewmembers stood silently awaiting his judgement, he nodded, 'acceptable work. Thank you, you're dismissed.'

The Captain had arranged for a large spread of food, from across the Federation, be prepared for the meeting. Doubtless the ship's staff had prepared far too much but it was an early test of their competence and skill. Burke did not like leaving the crew's meal quality to chance - a ship after all ran on its stomach. The tables for the food and drink were arranged down the inner bulkhead, allowing for the single table for the officers to sit to be placed off to one side, close to the windows of the room.

Checking the chronometer, Burke noted there was five minutes to the beginning of the meeting. Moving to the drinks, he fiddled with the samovar of coffee, preparing one to his liking before turning to the windows and contemplating the surface of Mars far below the ship and the tangle of dockyards that was Utopia Planitia.

Promptly, Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont entered the Officer's Mess and locked eyes on the Captain. Lamont's physique left little to room to question whether or not he was physically conditioned to perform his duties. In a tee shirt or undershirt, it was more noticeable, but even in a uniform, it fit snugly in places. "Captain Robert Burke?" It was Lamont's duty to familiarize himself with everyone that he could, and the Captain was especially important to that. "Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont, a pleasure, Sir," he said to the man. He knew that he was older than Burke by a few years, but that did no affect the respect that Lamont would show.

The Security Chief's eyes wandered towards the food momentarily. "Well, looks like we've been busy putting together an immaculate feast," he commented before shifting his gaze back to Burke. "Did I miss the notice about an admiral or dignitary coming aboard, Sir?"

Ryssa walked into the room far enough to not cause a roadblock and paused to look around. She was impressed with the layout. She quickly found the captain and headed over to say hello. "Hi. I'm Ryssa Dari."

'Commander, Lieutenant,' Burke nodded in both officer's direction and extended a hand to each. 'Captain Robert Burke. A pleasure to meet you both. You came highly recommended for the mission profile.' Turning to answer Lamont's question, Burke shook his head, 'the dignitaries are yourselves. I wanted a test of the commissary staff's ability to produce high quality food.' He shrugged, 'I also wanted a comfortable atmosphere for our first introductions before we get under way.'

"Thank you." Ryssa shook the captain's hand and nodded to the security chief.

"That is a weight off my shoulders," replied Lachlan. The last thing he wanted was to scramble with security detail for some Ambassador. He proceeded over to the food. "I see we arranged for a Federation style buffet. Beats the continental breakfast I had the other day."

'What better way to remind us of what the Federation stands for - infinite diversity in infinite combination as our Vulcan friends might say,' Burke smiled, 'I find continental breakfasts too light for my tasted in any case.' As he eyed the platters in front of him, a stray flash of colour caught his eye. 'Not often you see a Starfleet officer with tartan on their uniform,' he observed casually.

The indigo and forest green tartan added to their uniform had caught the Captain's attention. "I believe it goes with the infinite diversity in infinite combination," replied Lachlan. "I know. Not the Scotsman you expect to see" teased the Security Chief. "It's to honor my grandfather and embrace some of my Earthly roots."

Nodding his understanding, Burke replied, 'that's a noble impulse there, prid in you forefathers. We all know Izar has been a difficult place to tame in order for its settlers to prosper.' He shrugged again, waving a fork about lazily, 'as for the expectation of what our ancestries are ... I'm sure that Lieutenant Dari would agree with me that these days you have to open the book's cover before you get to the truth.'

Ryssa nodded. "You rarely understand something by simply looking at the surface--or the cover. Sadly, too many don't take the time or effort to look deeper."

Flashing her a smile, Burke nodded in response. 'Aptly put. If only we were all archaeologists perhaps we'd have the wisdom to see that careful excavation is the key to understanding, rather than shots from the hip.'

She smiled back. "Indeed. Much wisdom can be learned from digging in the dirt." A greater understanding of history, yes, but also patience and an appreciation for hard work. At least those were some of the lessons she'd learned over the years.

Lachlan could not help but to agree. "Absolutely true," he replied. "Many civilizations rise and fall, some of what remains of them is beneath the soil and sand, preserved in rock. Only through patience and precision will we know their societies."

Flashing another quick smile, Burke nodded. He was a little surprised at Lachlan's comment. I suppose it shows why he was suited to this mission above and beyond the other candidates. 'And glean tactical and strategic understandings of those societies from those discoveries no doubt.'

Ryssa gave Lachlan an appraising look. "True, but most cultures will build on what the past has to offer--unless they were conquered or died out. In those cases, there may still be things we can learn."

"And you are the person we want right there learning," Lachlan replied. "I'll ensure that you are able to do so safely," he added.

[To be continued ...]


Captain Robert Burke
Commanding Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont
Security Chief
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Ryssa Dari
Chief Science Officer
USS Hecate

Lt. Junior Grade Austin Faust
Chief Operations Officer
USS Hecate


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