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The Crew of the Hecate are newly transferred aboard and head out to Kronos as part of a relief convoy. This allows them to get over the last gremlins in the system prior to seeing action.

Start Date Fri Jul 15th, 2022 @ 8:18pm

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Title Timeline Location
The Vulcan Physician's Art
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Setek Dr
MD07 0930 hours Sickbay
Rendezvous - Part IV- A Call to Action
by Captain Robert Burke
MD029 1340 hours Archanis System - USS Cato - USS Hecate
Rendezvous - Part III - Peeking Behind the Veil
by Captain Robert Burke & Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
MD029 1320 hours Archanis System - USS Cato - USS Hecate
Shorting Simulators
by Ensign Plumzezii & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
MD13 USS Hecate - Shuttle Pilot Simulation Room
Rendezvous - Part II - Quail, Quail, Quarry
by Captain Robert Burke & Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore & Lieutenant Commander Dr. Jeremiah "James" McEntyre, Jr M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
MD029 1320 hours Archanis System - USS Cato - USS Hecate
Flying Under The Sensor
by Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore
Before: Rendezvous The Mallard
First Steps
by Lieutenant Sofia Gonzalez
MD02 Chief Intelligence / Executive Officer's Office - Deck One
Rendezvous - Part I - In the Web
by Captain Robert Burke & Commander Khiane Mau & Lieutenant Commander Dr. Jeremiah "James" McEntyre, Jr M.D. & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
MD029 1030 hours Klingon-Federation Border - Archanis IV
Family History
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Haruka Amami
Previous to Launch Captain's Ready Room
Sizing Each Other Up - Part II
by Captain Robert Burke
Prior to Launch USS Hecate - Ready Room
Sizing Each Other Up - Part I
by Captain Robert Burke & Commander Khiane Mau
Prior to Launch USS Hecate - Ready Room
Dotting the I's
by Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Captain Robert Burke
Previous to Launch Briefing Room
To the Katasterismoi
by Captain Robert Burke & Commander Khiane Mau & Lieutenant Haruka Amami & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
Mission Day 1
The Same, But Different
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
Previous to Launch Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room
Breakfast Meeting - Part III
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Haruka Amami & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
Three Days Prior to Launch USS Hecate- Deck 3 Officer's Mess
Breakfast Meeting - Part II
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Haruka Amami & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
Three Days Prior to Launch USS Hecate - Deck 3 Officer's Mess
Breakfast Meeting - Part I
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust
Three Days Prior to Launch USS Hecate - Deck 3 Officer's Mess
Running from your regrets
by Lieutenant Haruka Amami
Three days before Launch Tokyo, Earth.
The Hecate - Part IV
by Captain Robert Burke
Five days prior to launch Mars - Utopia Planitia One
The Hecate - Part III
by Captain Robert Burke
Five days prior to launch Mars - Utopia Planitia One
The Hecate - Part II
by Captain Robert Burke
Five days prior to launch Mars - Utopia Planitia One
The Hecate
by Captain Robert Burke
Five days prior to launch Mars - Utopia Planitia One
Missing Time - Part II
by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Sofia Gonzalez
Four Months before launch Canopeia Draco VII
Missing Time - Part I
by Lieutenant Sofia Gonzalez
Four Months before launch Canopeia Draco VII
A Stranger's Face - Part II
by Captain Robert Burke & Lera Mel'nyk
Two months before launch Laredo XII - Federation Colony

Mission Summary

The Hecate, newly commissioned, takes aboard her crew and heads up a relief convoy of Federation supplies to the beleaguered Klingon Homeworld, Kronos. During her four-week voyage to the Klingon Homeworld, the crew of the Hecate get to know one another and their ship, ironing out those kinks that Starfleet Engineers just can't manage before launch.