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Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 9:43pm

Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont

Name Lachlan Lamont

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Izarian (Human colonist)
Age 52

Physical Appearance

Height 183cm
Weight 14.5 stone
Hair Color Black (greying)
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Lachlan Lamont of the Clan Lamont is far from the stereotypical fair skinned Scotsman; A man of African-Caribbean ancestry, his ancestors had been uprooted and brought to Europe where generations had settled about the Scottish Highlands. Lachlan himself was born and raised on the Federation colony world of Izar. Approximately six feet in height with a muscular physique, Lachlan is a man of stature. He has warmly hawkish brown eyes, a bronzed skin tone, and his hair is naturally turning a bit salt and pepper with maturity and seniority. He has close knit textured hair.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Incredibly passionate by nature, Lachlan will throw himself into his duties with little regard to his health (psychological and physical) which can be a concern for those close to him. He has the utmost respect for the United Federation of Planets and fines wearing the uniform of Starfleet one of the highest honors and privileges that one can have. He will vehemently defend to both the Federation and Starfleet to the death and values his sworn oath to protect others. This is especially true of his Commanding Officers.

He seeks admiration and to be held in reverence by others. This is a personal trait, but also one that comes from being Izarian. He has an almost ethnocentric patriotism to his home world of Izar, the Federation, and to his family’s ancestry. The tartan of Clan Lamont adorns his uniform and he lives by the clan motto of Ne parcas nec spernas.

Lachlan Lemont will greet even a stranger with kindness and a hundred welcomes to thee, though his workaholism tends to keep him away from socializing too much. He is also aggressively competitive, enjoying the feeling of coming out on top and edging out a tough competitor. It is in everyone’s best interest not to challenge him to any sort of competition, but it they do, then they had better be prepared to fight hard and long. Endurance and brawn are where Lachlan shines the brightest.
Strengths & Weaknesses Respect - Given and gained, Lachlan has had a lengthy career in Starfleet and his rise to positions of authority were not earned merely by his longevity of service, but by the quality he places into his service to Starfleet. He has earned respect from those he served under and now has gained the respect from those that serve under him. He has strength in leadership with a stern yet peaceful tone.

Self-Confidence is something that he has in abundance and it radiates off of him like heat from a sunburn. This can; however, be a double-edge sword, but Lachlan Lamont is wise enough to know that there is often a very fine and thin line between being confident and becoming arrogant. Confidence in oneself can be the strength to propel you through tough times yet arrogance can place your life in jeopardy.

Generous heart - The man is full of compassion and has one of the biggest 'hearts' that there is. He has and would take the shirt off his back for someone and expect nothing in return. Though this has been exploited as a weakness in the past to the point that it has played into his naturally suspicious nature.

Intensity and combativeness - Izarians have a tendency to be very competitive, and Lachlan is no exception. If anything, he's an accelerant to his inner Izarian fire. His intensity burns brighter than a thousand stars and his never give up and never surrender attitude can be dangerous to his well-being. If he has been betrayed, that person will become a sworn enemy and Lachlan will ensure the receipts are given for any wrong done. He is very ethical man and humbled, but deep within him is the foundations built upon a an eye for an eye, blood for blood core.
Ambitions Izarians tend to be a very prideful sort of colonist due in part to the harsher conditions on the planet Epsilon Boötis III (Izar) where Lachlan was born and raised. He is thoroughly ambitious, moderately arrogant, and fiercely loyal. He seeks to carve his name in Starfleet history and become a renowned starship commander one day. Though the older he gets, the more ambitious he has become. He is no longer content with being second fiddle. Though he will not put the lives of others at risk for his personal gain, he has no qualms about approaching dangerous situations with an ‘educated recklessness’ in order to earn merit and raise his prestige.
Hobbies & Interests Weapons Collector – From broadswords to ichbar axes, Lachlan has an extensive collection of bladed weapons mounted in his personal quarters. He is also trained on several of the weapons, and though they act as decorative talking pieces in his quarters, he does know how to use them if ever necessary.

Combat sports - Anbo-jyutsu and Parrises squares are two of Lachlan’s favorite games to play when he’s not on duty. Both, however, are quite dangerous and he does not partake in them too often because of risk of injury potentially sidelining him from fulfilling his duties aboard. He has willingly ventured to Triskelion in the past to participate in their games though he does not openly discuss his experiences competing there.

Personal History Born and raised on Epsilon Boötis III, colloquially known as Izar, Lachlan Lamont was son of a blacksmith and his wife, a former Federation investigative journalist. Lachlan was raised in outside of New Seattle, the Izarian capital city and was educated in the New Seattle school system. His parents raised him to get his hands dirty and pull his own weight and then some, pouring the foundations for a true workhorse later in life. In his childhood, Lachlan was heavily involved in extracurricular activities, taking fencing lessons from and early age yet also pursuing a natural gift with string instruments. He was classically trained and favored the Vulcan harp, but his grandfather had gifted him a Lamont clan heirloom, a Scottish clàrsach which Lachlan became quite proficient at.

He would often spend his summers with his grandfather in the mountainous Scottish Highlands on Earth where his grandfather and much of his paternal family lived although some had scattered about over several generations settling on worlds like Izar and Arvada III. It was through his grandfather that Lachlan learned the most about his Scottish roots and old tales about Clan Lamont. Though his family’s ancestry dated back even farther to the Caribbean region of Earth, forcefully relocated to the Scottish Highlands in Earth’s 1800s.

Lachlan was slated to attend the Aldebaran Music Academy once he finished his schooling on Izar. It was his parents’ wishes that he would take the opportunity. Though he had a deep love and respect for music, that was not exactly what he wanted for himself. It came as a bit of a shock to his parents when he left Izar to the Music Academy only for them to learn a few months later that he never showed up for the Aldebaran Music Academy. Instead, he had with his grandfather’s support followed in his grandfather’s path and applied to Starfleet Academy. It caused a great rift between his parents and grandfather that had a ripple effect throughout his family.

His parents had wanted what was best for him; Lachlan’s grandfather wanted what was true to him. His parents’ concern about Lachlan’s wellbeing was justifiable as the Federation was engaged in ongoing conflict with the Klingons, skirmishes along the border, and posturing in colonial star systems. Graduating from Starfleet Academy in 2265 and earning an officer’s commission, Ensign Lachlan Lamont was stationed aboard the USS Exeter (NCC-1706) under the command of Captain Ronald Tracey. Aboard the starship Exeter, Ensign Lamont was part of the Exeter’s Operations Division assigned to Security detail given his areas of study at the Academy and his physical prowess. At the Academy, Lachlan had been on the Academy’s Boxing team.

Under Captain Ronald Tracey’s command, the USS Exeter was one of the Federation’s go-to starships to be dispatched to the Klingon border and engage with battlecruisers, protect Federation assets and interests in the colonies. Lachlan served aboard the Exeter as security personnel until 2268 when he was reassigned to the Exeter’s sister ship, the USS Lexington under the command of Commodore Robert Wesley.

Wesley ran a tight ship, but that was something Lachlan could respect, and he did so. He performed his duties well that within a few months of being aboard, he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and was well on his way to rising upward in the Operations division. In the hierarchy of security personnel, Lachlan became Assistant Chief of Security in 2269. Commodore Wesley had briefly retired from Starfleet, taking a political position as Governor of the Federation’s Mantilles colony; however, it was a position the Commodore came to quickly regret, and before 2269 was over, he was back aboard the Lexington as Commanding Officer again.

It was during shore leave in early 2270 while the Lexington was docked at Starbase 25 that the Lexington underwent some key personnel changes. Leaving the bridge crew was Lieutenant Lucy “Buckshot” Cortez. She had earned her nickname because the size of holes she left in the hulls of Klingon battlecruisers, always seeming to be able to cripple them while operating the starship’s weapons systems. She was leaving the Lexington to take a First Officer position elsewhere in the fleet.

Lachlan knew that he was no “Buckshot,” but with the changes to the bridge crew, Commodore Wesley needed people on the bridge he had rapport with and most of all knew that he could trust. Lachlan did not know the Commodore well, but they had socialized over a snifter or two of Saurian Brandy in the past, and Lachlan had gifted the Commodore some Izarian Aperitif for one of the Commodore’s anniversaries. Wesley had actually been genuinely appreciative that Lachlan had requested transfer from Operations to the Command division. His First Officer approved the request, and Lachlan was positioned at the Lexington’s Chief Helmsman.

By 2282, Lachlan Lamont had proven to be a pivotal asset of the bridge crew and the Commodore’s Senior Staff. Having received a promoted to full lieutenant stipes later that year, Lachlan also climbed up the chain of command to third officer of the Lexington, clearly trusted and valued. He sought to stray away from his youthful ‘babyface’ look and let his face become scruffy. The growth of a goatee and later a beard gave him a more seasoned and distinguished look in his mid-thirties.

In 2285 Robert Wesley was forced out of the captain’s chair with threat of promotion to Rear Admiral and put behind a desk in an administrative capacity. Commodore Wesley bravely chose to turn down promotion and instead agreed to retirement. One of his parting gifts was to recommend Lachlan for Second Officer to the new Commanding Officer, Captain William C. Perinal. Though cautious to the recommendation, Perinal agreed with it and Lachlan was chosen as Second Officer, maintaining his post as Chief Helmsman.

When the Akula class frigate, the USS Sultan had a vacancy for Security Chief, Lachlan boldly made the decision to leave his many years of service aboard the Lexington behind. The Sultan’s young Captain was grateful to have Lachlan’s years of experience and knowledge of ship security and weapons systems underneath him. The addition of having an experience command officer made the transfer all the better for the Sultan. Lachlan served aboard the Sultan as Security Chief and Second Officer from 2289 through 2296, earning promotion to Lieutenant Commander during his time aboard the Sultan in 2392 along with the Star Cross for distinguished actions on a landing party mission that could have cost the lives of several of the crew if not for Lachlan’s quick actions and intuition.

Coming aboard with thirty years of Starfleet service, highly respected, and decorated over the years, Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont is a Captain is waiting. Perhaps he should have been the commander of his own starship by now? Sometimes, the decisions one makes changes the trajectory of their career. Whatever the case may be, Lachlan knows that he will give the USS Hecate an edge in any hostile situation and has vowed to personally ensure the safety and security of the Captain and crew at any personal cost. He lives to honor the Starfleet uniform, make his family proud, and continue to embrace his roots.