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Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 9:43pm

Lieutenant JG Austin Faust

Name Austin Eero Faust

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ' 2"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Austin possesses a fairly lanky but athletic build. His face can be distinguished with the deep dimples on his cheeks. He resembles his father but possesses his mother’s eyes and pale skin. He normally keeps his blonde hair in a pompadour similar to his father’s.


Father Rear Admiral Tristan Faust (ret.)
Mother Captain Lucy Heartfilia
Other Family Aunt: Eve Kinsley

Personality & Traits

General Overview Austin is a fairly easy going young man mixed with the usual swashbuckling and swagger typical of a young Starfleet Officer.
Strengths & Weaknesses Proven to be calm and level headed during emergency situations. This collectiveness masks an inner insecurity. He wonders if his choice assignments in his career have been due to merit or his dad's influence.
Ambitions Austin aspires to one day command his own starship. However, his most significant ambition was to forge his own path, separate from the shadows of his father and grandfather. With the Khitomer Accords paving the way for a more peaceful galaxy, Austin feels the previously "wild west" of space is becoming less unpredictable, and seeks to make his mark in this new era.
Hobbies & Interests In addition to his duties in Starfleet, Austin has a variety of interests and hobbies that set him apart from his predecessors. He developed a fascination with 20th-century history, particularly the automotive industry, and shared his father's affinity for 20th-century Pontiac cars. Austin also retained his childhood love for skiing and winter sports, attributing it to his formative years spent in the snowy mountains of Finland. Despite enjoying cold climates, Austin harbors a fondness for tropical drinks, showcasing his ability to appreciate various aspects of life.

Personal History Austin spent much of his early life living in Helsinki with his mom and her parents as his father was on space duty full time. Tristan wanted his son to have a stable home life by living in the same place, something he never had the luxury of. Growing up in the mountains of Finland he grew to appreciate the snow and skiing..

He admired his father's adventures in space and longed for a similar path and was instilled with the desire to follow in his footsteps. However, Austin always felt the weight of living up to his father and grandfather's legacies, wondering if he truly earned his assignments or if they were merely due to familial connections. In 2289 he entered Starfleet academy with the recommendation of his father, now Admiral Faust. He majored in the emerging operations field which was the replacement for his father's specialties of navigation and science.

In 2293, he graduated with honors and was assigned to the USS Excelsior under the command of the soon to be legendary Captain Hikaru Sulu. During his first voyage the ship was caught up in the Praxis incident and the resulting Khitomer Peace Conference. He served as the night shift operations officer and was on the bridge when the communique came from Starfleet Command about the whereabouts of the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) and played rock paper scissors with Lt. Slater about who was to wake up Captain Sulu, the communications officer lost. Despite his inner insecurities, Austin displayed a calm and level-headed demeanor, especially during emergency situations, earning him respect among his peers.

After two years of dedicated service on the Excelsior, Austin was promoted to lieutenant junior grade and transferred to the USS Hecate, where he assumed the role of the chief operations officer. The Hecate, another Excelsior-cl
Service Record 2289 - 2293 - Starfleet Academy - Operations - Midshipman
2293 - 2295 - U.S.S. Excelsior - Operations Officer - Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2295 - Present - U.S.S. Hecate - Lieutenant Junior Grade