The Sim

The USS Hecate is named after the Near-Eastern, goddess Hecate.

The Hecate has a long and storied name as an exploration and surveying ship.


In the mid-nineteenth century, the Hydra-class paddle sloop HMS Hecate was stationed in both the Mediterranean, and then later off the coast of British Columbia. In both these locations she was required to survey the coastlines around her port. The Hecate Strait between the British Columbia mainland and the islands of Haida Gwaii are named after her. Her final assignment was based out of the Australian station, surveying Botany Bay, the Brisbane river and Torres Strait.

The HMS Hecate (A137) was a deep ocean survey ship of the Hecla class. It was the only one of these ships that was assigned to the South Atlantic in the late twentieth century following the Falklands War. There she assumed the duties of the Ice Patrol Ship, conducting surveys and patrols in the area. During this time she visited the British Antarctic Survey bases, before conducting a tour around South America via the Patagonian Channel.

The current USS Hecate NCC-1963 is an Excelsior-refit vessel. Laid down when the original Excelsior proved successful in her trials (transwarp drive excepted), the USS Hecate was commissioned in 2295 and was completed at the San Francisco Yards. Following her shakedown trials, the vessel was transferred to Earth Spacedock ready for her first crew to take their places.

Her five-year mission is to chart the Beta Quadrant beyond the Klingon and Romulan Empires. With the Khitomer Accords signed and established, Starfleet and the Federation Council believe that it is high time to begin further deep-space exploration now diplomatic relations between the three powers have been relatively stabilised.
