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Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 9:43pm

Lieutenant Ryssa Dari

Name Ryssa Dari

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Ryssa is fit and curvy. However, she feels dumpy next to her her older sister, who is slim and graceful--something Ryssa could not quite achieve.

She used to wear baggy clothes as a teenager to try and hide her figure, but even though she grew out of her chubby phase, she still feels like the odd one out. At least in her family as her mother is also quite slim.

She wears her hair long, or in a braid. She's more often found in faded jeans and cotton blouses as she spends a lot of time in the arboretum or outdoors when not on duty. 

She likes colors as they tend to match her disposition.


Father Marson Dari
Mother Prysa Mora
Sister(s) Laryssa

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ryssa is cheerful and happy most of the time. She likes to sing while she works, or listen to music. Usually if no one else is around. She's affectionate and will often give someone a hug or touch them while she talks to them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: 
Cheerful, intelligent, curious, likes people.
She loves to read and loves to learn.

Curious, sometimes her cheerfulness is not appreciated. 
She doesn't talk much while working, preferring to focus on what she's doing. The same goes for reading. She gets focused and can read for hours at a time.
Not everyone likes a hugger.
Ambitions As much as she loves her life, she would one day like to have someone to share it with. So far, that has eluded her. (Not, however, her sister, who continually wonders why Ryssa can't find someone.)
For now, she's happy learning and exploring.
Hobbies & Interests Singing, listening to music, reading.
She plays the flute, pan pipes, and piccolo.
 She likes to draw and work with clay.
She loves the outdoors, especially if there ar trees.

Personal History Ryssa grew up on a medium-sized colony with mountains, woods, and a well-respected university. Her father was an administrator and her mother taught literature.

She fell in love with books as soon as she was old enough to be read to. That love expanded to languages, history, and archaeology. 

She read as much as she could about the local history, the history of other worlds, their culture and languages. She also learned about the flora of her planet--especially trees.

She attended the local university to study literature--careful not to take any of her mother's classes as she knew her mother would be harder on her than the other students--and history. When she graduated, she went off-world to continue her studies, adding archaeology and anthropology to the mix.

Ryssa was a chubby child who was constantly compared to her older sister who was tall, willowy, and gorgeous. Ryssa was nothing like her sister--or her mother. She wore baggy shirts and vests to hide her figure until she went to college and began to accept that it was okay to be different. Her studies were different, too. She didn't just study literature, like her mother. She focused on classic literature, folklore, and fairy tales, using them to help her understand ancient cultures and their history. She loved music and would often sing around the house--only to be told to hush as her mother was reading, or her sister, a mathematician, could focus. When she got her degree in history and literature, she chose to go off-world for her advanced studies. Although she went back to visit from time to time, once she had a good view of the rest of the galaxy--and the wide variety of cultures--she didn't look back.

She got PhDs in history, classic folk and fairy tales, archaeology and anthropology. To her thinking, they all went hand-in-hand to help her understand ancient civilizations.

She traveled during the summers, working at various sites as historian and archivist, archaeologist, or linguist. But once she graduated, she was faced with three choices. Try to get a job in one of several highly-competitive fields, become a teacher like her mother and sister, or join Starfleet. The chance to explore and learn won out.

As she already had advance degrees, she went through an OCS program and was soon a science officer in Starfleet.
Service Record Graduated OCS in science.
Served as historian and linguist aboard the USS Ticonderoga.

Served as historian and archaeologist aboard the USS Tsunami.

Served as Assistant Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Ulysses.

Now serves as Chief Science Officer on USS Hecate.