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Breakfast Meeting - Part III

Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 2:19am by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont & Lieutenant Haruka Amami & Lieutenant Ryssa Dari & Lieutenant JG Austin Faust

1,301 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: USS Hecate- Deck 3 Officer's Mess
Timeline: Three Days Prior to Launch


'We have two weeks to the border at normal cruising speed. Once there, we will meet up with a relief convoy that has supplies and materiel for our forward operating base on the Klingon Homeworld.' Burke wanted to avoid giving the Klingon name for the planet once more - the guttural pronunciation wore on his throat. 'It is imperative that we have our systems in order by the time we reach the frontier. Is that clear?'

"Weapons systems included I presume?" Lachlan gave a seasoned glare at Captain Burke. "We're talking about taking a Federation starship into," the Security Chief considered his phrasing carefully. "Shark infested waters. This does test the treaty."

"It shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as we don't chum the waters," Ryssa countered.

'We should hope not,' Mel'nyk responded with a nod of her head, as Gonzalez folded her arms and nodded in agreement. 'Although we should note that Chancellor Azetbur has had to cede a significant amount of significant control of the Empire's armed forces. Many of the Great and Minor houses are now in control of the immediate space around their holdings - they have their own fleets of varying sizes. None of them are a threat to the Imperial Navy yet, but for a lone starship they could prove a ... challenge.'

Burke turned to Lachlan, 'so yes offensive and defensive systems would ought to be calibrated as a priority.'

"I suspected as much," Lachlan replied and gave a simple nod.

He turned to his Chief Engineer. 'Lieutenant Amami, I hope you'll be giving the ship's power systems a thorough going over before we leave Federation space - she needs to be in top shape to make it through the next few months. Can you do that?'

Haruka nodded. "Yes sir. Most of the power systems have already been testes here I'm drydock. However, I intend to run my own tests in space. A starship behaves differently when away from the Dock," she responded giving him a small smile.

'Thank you, Haruka,' Burke made a note on his PADD. 'Please have a schedule of tests ready for when we disengage from Utopia Planitia One in three day's time.'

'Did he just call me by my first name?' Haruka thought. She stated at him slightly confused by the Captain referring to her in such an intimate manner. She sat there in silence, not quite sure how to react.

'Lieutenant, is that a problem?' Burke asked, noticing the rather vacant look in his Chief Engineer's eyes.

"Oh... no sir. Sorry sir, I was just surprised that's all..." she admitted nervously. 'Fantastic first impression Haruka, you look like a total idiot now!' she scolded herself in her head as she shifted to a slightly different sitting position.

He nodded in her direction. 'Alright, Lieutenant.'

Burke turned to Dari and Faust, 'Lieutenants, sensors and our scientific instruments are no less of a priority. I would like a suitable system along our route to be picked out in order for us to stop over, and calibrate our systems. Faust, before we leave Sol system, I'd like a thorough inventory of our supplies in case there's something we can top up on.

Lt. J.G. Austin Faust nodded, the young man set his cup of coffee back down on to the table, "Have the Klingon's relayed any updated starcharts to the Starfleet?" he asked, "The last set we have are over twenty years old, dating to the Enterprise's second five year mission and then the previous set are from 100 years previous, ironically to the Enterprise NX-01's mission to Kronos." He tried his best to contain his enthusiasm and keep a professional demeanor, a few years ago this would have been an impossible task.

Burke shook his head, 'no, not beyond the route to Qo'noS,' he replied, running a hand over his close-shaven hair. 'Just what ELR probe telemetry could tell us.' He nodded in Gomez's direction.

Picking up the thread, Gomez responded smoothly, only a lacing of her fingers betraying any nervousness. 'The Klingons have abided by the Accords, and adjunct agreements governing our assistance with the Praxis situation.' She cocked her head and smiled, 'unfortunately, none of that governs a general exchange of star-charts. Starfleet Intelligence believes that both the Klingon Imperial armed forces, and Imperial Intelligence services regard their star charts as a state secret that cannot be disclosed.'

'Our relationship with the Klingons can be characterised as tense, but businesslike, at present.'

Nodding his thanks, Burke looked in Faust's direction. 'Further questions, Lieutenant?'

"Are we expecting to have any Klingon dignitaries aboard?" Austin asked, "If so I will need to make some special accomodations to the ship's stock... They have some... Special dietary requirements." Of course the logistics of keeping live worms and other live fish bait alive aboard ship would prove to be a logistical nightmare, the young man thought to himself.

"If they get hungry for a taste of home dirt, we can send a crewmen down to the science labs" quipped Lachlan. "I'm sure someone is growing a plant or two, probably have some worms in the soil" teased the man.

"Oh, there will definitely be worms." Ryssa grinned. "Worms or parasites to take care of the soil."

'No dignitaries are expected aboard ship,' Burke smiled, 'we might be required for some ceremonial duties at our forward operating base on Qo'noS's surface, but we haven't had a formal invitation yet.' He looked at both Lachlan and Faust, 'I trust that is satisfactory for now, gentlemen?'

Austin nodded and and made several mental notes. He was hoping for some sort of official visit. He had fought Klingons in battle but had never met one face to face.

Nodding in satisfaction, Burke looked around the table, his coffee mug empty. 'Well then, if there's nothing else?'

Ryssa shook her head. She had nothing at the moment, but she planned to go over her department again and make sure she had enough supplies for a long voyage.

'Good, then you're dismissed - launch is in three days, so please ensure that any pre-launch checks you need to do are done and reported to me as soon as possible. It's barely two weeks two the border and rendevous with the convoy, so I'll need your shakedown plans prior to launch as well.'

Shakedown plans? Did she have any shakedown plans? Ryssa honestly hadn't thought of that. Generally, she used shakedown to run a lot of scans and tests to make sure everything was functioning as well as possible, but for this trip, she probably needed more. That was one more thing to add to her to do list.

Burke watched as they all got to their feet and went about their business. He had a good feeling in his gut as he got to his feet. Whether that was the good food they had just consumed, or the quality of the officers at his disposal was the essential question. Perhaps a bit of both, he thought to himself wryly as he waved a crewman over.

'Distribute the remaining food amongst the crew who have arrived - make sure you get your fill too. No sense in letting good food go to waste.'

Dismissing them to go about their work, Burke turned on his heel and headed out the door himself.


Captain Robert Burke
Commanding Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant-Commander Lachlan Lamont
Chief Security Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Haruka Amami
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Ryssa Dari
Chief Science Officer
USS Hecate

Lt. Junior Grade Austin Faust
Chief Operations Officer
USS Hecate


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