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Tue Dec 19th, 2023 @ 10:59pm

Lieutenant Haruka Amami

Name Haruka Amami

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 128lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Haruka being from Japan has short brown hair and unusual green eyes. She has a light build, and keeps her hair at shoulder height usually with ribbons to keep it from falling into her eyes.


Spouse None
Children Anko Amami (Age 8)
Father Yazu Amami
Mother Yuki Amami

Personality & Traits

General Overview Haruka is a light and bubbly person. She is often seen as a happy individual, however she could be seen as a 'plain' person. She is known to be realitively normal and a caring person. She enjoys getting on with people and isn't one to get angry or stressed easily.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Include:
+ Engineering Knowledge
+ Good with her hands
+ Easy to get along with
+ Open and friendly

Weaknesses Include
- Clumsy at times
- Can be an airhead at times.
- At times can be a bit naive
- Her ankle can play up at times from an old dancing injury
Ambitions Haruka's ambitions are to put her past behind her and move forward with her career and life. She loves her daughter more than anything, but also loves being able to contribute to the Federation as a Starfleet Officer. She wants to one day be able to bring her daughter on board a ship that allows families and raise her amongst the backdrop of the stars, she is content with being an engineer, she has no real desire to go into the command tract, as she enjoys making a difference below decks.
Hobbies & Interests + Dancing and Singing
+ Engines and Warp Drive Physics
+ Computers
+ Sketching and Drawing

Personal History Haruka was born in Japan on Earth in 2262. She was raised as a normal girl near the capital of Tokyo. Since she was a young age she was fascinated with music and her mother often said she sang before she spoke. She was also known to be a good dancer, especially with pop style music.

During her younger years she did dance lessons, with the ambition to one day becoming a professional dancer and singer. Unfortuntely in her teen years at a dance recital she tripped and damaged her ankle. Although it was repaired, she found it difficult to keep her balance at times. Her ambitions at being a dancer were brought to an abrupt halt.

She wasn't sure what to do now that her passion had been thrown out of the window. After having surgery on her ankle she met an old retired Starfleet Engineer who was in the bed next to her in the hospital. He fascinated her, telling her stories about his days in Starfleet, what he had seen and telling her all about Starships and their systems. This fascinated Haruka and after a while she began to understand what he was saying.

At age eighteen a year after her injury Haruka decided that she wanted to get out into space. She enjoyed hearing the retired engineers stories fascinated her and they sounded like fun. She enrolled into Starfleet Academy, not expecting to get in. However found out shortly after her birthday that the Academy would let her enroll.

Her first year at the Academy was good for Haruka. She made lots of new friends as she underwent officer training. In her second year she had to choose a department to join. She attempted to contact the retired engineer for some advice on what to choose, only to find out that he had passed away a few weeks ago from a long time illness. She decided in his honour she would sign up to be an engineer.

She grauduated from the Academy at age twenty two with the rank of Ensign. She was assigned to the USS Eagle, a Constitution Class Starship as the position of Junior Engineer. She learnt a lot on the Eagle, and became a very competant engineer.

However that would all change. About eighteen months into her assignment, she met a man called Erik Nakamura, a junior officer in security. She was fascinated with him and eventually they began a relationship. Although not against regulations, they kept it quiet. In 2287, after three years of service, she found out she was up for promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. However, she also found out the same week that she had accidently fallen pregnant with Erik's child.

When she comfronted him about it, he told her that he wasn't ready to be a father, and although they had been together for nearly two years he couldn't settle down with her and have a child. Haruka was heartbroken, she considered aborting the child, but her morals told her to keep it. She informed her superior officer and was taken back to Earth, she wasn't allowed to serve on a Starship whilst being pregnant; space after all was a very dangerous place.

She took a year of maternity leave in which she returned home. Her father was not impressed with her, but understood the situation. She gave birth to a daughter with black hair and shiny hazel eyes whom she named Anko. Her parents helped her to get a place of her own to rent and helped her get set up with Anko.

Once Anko was old enough, Haruka returned to service. She chose to work at the San Fransisco Fleet Yards so she could be home for her daughter each night to raise her. She helped work as a Dockyard Engineer on many different ships including the new Excelsior Class Starships. She enjoyed working on them and was assigned as a Lieutenant Junior Grade.

However after five years, she was approached by her superior officer. The USS Newcastle was wanting new engineers in its annual crew rotations. Due to her service, Haruka was now qualified enough to become an Assistant Chief Engineer of a ship in service. He told her that it could further her career and would get her out of the shipyards and back into what she desired the most, to see what was out there.

She considered it strongly, but talked it over with her parents. She also spoke to Anko who was now five years old. Anko being a bright child knew she couldn't come along, but knew that her mother was very busy. Haruka didn't want to feel selfish, but she did want to prove herself. Her parents told her to take the job, to get back out there, they would look after Anko until she came back. However Haruka promised to call Anko when she could over subspace, every day if she could. She made a promise with her daughter that she wouldn't be an absent parents. However she couldn't let her past hold her back, she accepted the job and was given a rise in rank to Lieutenant before being posted to the USS Newcastle, an Asia Class light cruiser as the Assistant Chief Engineer.

Haruka spent three years on the Newcastle as it we t out on its tour of duty. She only saw Anko a few times when the ship returned to Earth and even then it was only for short periods of time. Eventually the Newcastle finished its three year your of duty and returned for essential refits and resupply.

Haruka took the opportunity to spend it with Anko. However only a couple of weeks in she was called back to Starfleet. She had been selected by the Captain of the USS Hecate as the candidate for the ships new Chief Engineer, of course this was a big step for Haruka who accepted the assignment. She knew it would be hard again, but this time she was finally in a position to make a bug difference.
Service Record 2280 - 2284 -Starfleet Academy
2284 - 2287 -USS Eagle (Ensign, Junior Engineering Officer)
2287 - 2288 - Personal Maternity Leave
2288 - 2292 - San Francisco Fleet Yards (Lieutenant Junior Grade, Dockyard Engineer)
2292 - 2295 - USS Newcastle (Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Engineer)
2295 - ???? - USS Hecate (Lieutenant, Chief Engineer)