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Family History

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2023 @ 10:59pm by Captain Robert Burke & Lieutenant Haruka Amami

1,184 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Previous to Launch


Lieutenant Haruka Amami took a deep breath. She held her engineering report in her hand as she stood outside the door to the Captain's office. Although she had attended the meeting earlier that morning, straight from coming aboard she had yet to properly report in. The events of the night before were still fresh in her mind. Slowly she reached out and touched the chime.

Looking up from his workdesk, Burke called out 'enter' without checking who it was. He had ordered a coffee some time ago, and was waiting on it to arrive. Arrayed in front of him were a selection of reports on his crew that he was reviewing following this morning's meeting. The Titanian was eager to utilise them to their fullest potential and was looking through their service histories.

'Oh,' he exclaimed blankly as he saw Amami step through the doors. 'Lieutenant Amami, please take a seat,' Burke said as he stood and indicated one of the chairs in front of his desk. 'I was expecting coffee ... not a senior officer.'

Haruka walked in. She held out the report. "Here's the engineering report you requested sir," she said. "And I thought I'd also report in properly here too," she gave him a slight bow, the traditional Japanese custom to show respect.

'Thank you Lieutenant,' Burke said with a smile as the chime rang again. He ushered the corpsman in and instructed him to set down the coffee on his desk. 'Please feel free to take a seat, Lieutenant. Would you care for a coffee?'

"A coffee would be nice," Haruka said. "Thankyou," she added with a small bow before sliding down into the available seat. Instantly the engineer seemed to relax, as if she had been on her feet for hours.

Grabbing a spare mug, Burke poured the coffee in the mug intended for him and handed it over to the Engineer. 'Add milk and sugar as you like. You'll find it's my favourite blend of coffee.' Taking the second mug he had grabbed, he poured his own coffee as he liked it, black. He pointed to the reports, 'anything we should be concerned about in those reports?'

Haruka shook her head. "Not really, there's only a few minor things that need finishing. However they should be all completed before the launch." She explained as she took a sip of the coffee not adding any sugar or milk. The hot bitter drink seemed to spark some life back into the engineer. "We plan to bring the warp core online later today. I would advise keeping to law warp speeds for a few days, give the engines a chance to run in a little."

He nodded, 'I'll defer to your judgement, Lieutenant.' He indicated a PADD in front of him. 'I was reading personnel files while the rest of you were coming aboard. This is your first five year mission, is it not?'

Haruka nodded. "Yes sir," she replied simply.

Quirking an eyebrow and taking a sip of coffee, Burke asked, 'and why did you take it, Lieutenant?'

The engineer looked away for a brief moment before returning his gaze to her. "I'm an engineer sir. The opportunity to see what's out there and to serve on an Excelsior Class is very tempting."

Noting the glance away for a moment, Burke nodded at the answer. 'A very standard response. I suppose most of us are eager to find out what's out there - be the next Pike or Kirk. A great temptation.' He flashed a smile, 'we're lucky that we have one of the Engineers that worked on the Excelsior class - I'm sure you're quite familiar with the ins and outs of the Hecate, then, broadly?'

Haruka nodded. "Yes sir. I know the Excelsior's very well. During my time at the shipyards I worked on many of them. Although the Hecate was built after I left the Fleet Yards the design is the exact same." She explained to him.

'Yes indeed - no transwarp drive of course, but the class hasn't majorly changed in the last few years, no,' Burke replied. He tapped the PADD in front of him once more. 'Now, if the record given to me is correct, you were on restricted duties due to pregnancy some time ago?'

The engineer sighed. "Yes sir. My daughter currently resides on Earth with my parents," she said.

He raised his coffee mug to his lips and took a long, slow sip of it. Burke savoured the taste, the dark flavour of the drink being his particular blend of coffee. Looking to the table for a moment, he then looked at the Engineer once more. 'Why?'

It took a few seconds for Haruka to respond. "Children aren't allowed on Starships sir. I'm a Starfleet Engineer, I have a duty to perform."

Burke swirled the coffee in his mug as he considered her answer. Parents caring for their grandchild would indicate a lack of father present he thought to himself sadly. 'I see,' he answered quietly. 'It must be a difficult balancing act for yourself, having to choose between family and duty.'

"Sometimes. But..." she hesitated for a brief moment. "My daughter prefers being planetside. I'm not a very good mother, and it's not like I can bring her along anyways."

'It's true Starfleet doesn't allow us to bring our families along on the journey.' Burke smiled kindly, 'we ask a difficult thing of our personnel to go on long voyages, for years at a time in some cases, without the ability to see our families for long stretches. I cannot imagine how much more difficult it is for a young parent.'

Haruka sat there wondering what the Captain thought of her. "Is there any other questions you wish to ask me sir?"

Looking across the desk at the younger officer, Burke felt a twinge of sympathy for her. A great many questions he thought to himself. He considered a moment, before asking, 'are you ready for this, Lieutenant?' Burke held up a hand gently, 'I don't want platitudes about Starfleet assigning you and such. I want to know how you feel, truly.'

Haruka nodded. "Yes sir, I am." She replied to him simply and straight to the point.

He nodded in response, 'that's good enough for me - finish settling in and get to grips with your department as soon as you can.' Burke got to his feet, and extended a hand, 'welcome aboard, Lieutenant.'

"Thank you Captain," she shook his hand lightly. Upon release she gave him a small bow before leaving the ready room.

Watching her go, Burke kept his expression neutral as he nodded her out. An interesting addition to the crew, he concluded as he took his seat once more and began attacking the pile of paperwork in front of him.


Captain Robert Burke
Commanding Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Haruka Amami
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Hecate


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