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Sizing Each Other Up - Part II

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 1:00pm by Captain Robert Burke

1,324 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: USS Hecate - Ready Room
Timeline: Prior to Launch



"I am dual-natured," she said after a moment. " This holds no shame for me but it is not a common thing even among my own people. If I shifted on Earth, they would think mountain lion by appearance though in size more like a tiger." She shrugged lightly. "You'll have the medical and psychological assessments of course. Doctors are very interested in me ... but let me add this. I love the outdoors and, truth be told, its more fun as a cat." She smiled over the rim of her coffee cup. "I was tracking a young couple, he'd taken her into bear country to propose, so I kept watch over them and drove the predators off. It was fun." She paused for a sim of coffee, letting all of that sink in, and then continued. "I'm a predator but more importantly, I'm a hunter. It's benefitted me no end in Intelligence and in leading away teams."

Burke smiled, 'yes, you do have an impressive set of mission records. It's why you were so high on the list of candidates for First Officer. That, and your Intelligence experience.' He shrugged, 'I think the reason that you weren't the top of the list is the fact your people aren't a member of the Federation. But Command didn't say that explicitly.' He paused a moment, then asked, 'you talk of protecting the couple, and leading away teams - let me ask, do you see yourself as a mentoring sort of officer?'

She thought for a moment, brown eyes searching out an answer in the bottom of her cup, and then returned to gaze at her new commanding officer. "Yes and no," Khiane said. "I encourage younger officers and I'm willing to listen, give them a chance to speak, to contribute ... but I don't do well with direct challenges." She smiled, her eyes glinting gold for a moment, "Klingons love me."

Chuckling in response, Burke nodded, 'I'm sure they do.' He abandoned his path of questioning and pursued another one. 'I'm curious to know if you and your people have had many run ins with the Klingons during your history? I can't imagine from what I've read that you and your people would shy away from Klingon aggression.'

"My people have not," Khiane said, "but the Mehmati have had dealings with them. Romulans as well. I was young at the time and it wasn't as though my people were invited to the negotiations, but the Elders said that the negotiations for weaponry did not go well and they departed to treat with the Tzviren instead."

'Fascinating,' Burke replied with a grin, 'I'd like to learn more about the Mehmati in the future.' He set his cup down, steepled his fingers, 'but for now, I'd imagine you have some questions for me yourself?'

Not about the Hantu, her own people, thought Khiane, and then amended silently that it wasn't a big surprise. In terms of 'players' in the area, the Mehmati and the Tzviren had the potential of becoming a force, whether for good or ill, was a topic of some debate. She nodded, shifting to her own thoughts, and started marshalling her questions. "The crew. Ones you served with before? Or new?"

'Some I've served with before - our Mission Adviser, Lera Mel'nyk was my senior officer and mentor aboard the Templeton before she was cashiered. I felt her knowledge and dealings with Klingons in the past would stand us in good stead for the mission ahead. One of your Intelligence Officers, Lieutenant Sofia Gonzalez is a former Science Officer from the Templeton as well. I felt she needed a stronger purpose in her Starfleet career than wasting away on a classified archaeological dig.' Burke shrugged mentally. 'The rest of the crew are a mix of personal picks from the available personnel, and Starfleet Command's recommendations, such as yourself.'

"Science to Intelligence," Khiane said, a thoughtful look stealing across her features, "that's quite a stretch. Has she had any training?"

'No field training, but her analysis skills are rated quite highly from the reports I've been given. I pulled her from her current work because I felt we'd need an analyst with an anthropological background. Field training can be done en route.'

Khiane nodded and for once kept her own counsel, "and what has Command in store for us," she asked instead. "Patrol route? Specific assignment?"

'Shakedown and convoy duty,' Burke smiled. 'We're rendezvousing with a relief convoy of Hiawatha-class vessels heading for Qo'noS once we've shaken out any bugs the Corps may have overlooked in testing.' He slid a PADD across the table. 'These are our immediate assigned orders, and our more general mandate. Once we've delivered the supplies and requisitions to our Forward Operating Base on the Klingon Homeworld, we're to test the Khitomer Accords and fly clear across the Empire to their far border, and from there we have a five-year mission to explore the Beta Quadrant.'

"Peace isn't a concept that most Klingons will admit to even knowing," Khiane said, her expression turning thoughtful as she picked up the PADD and scanned through the orders. "Should make for an eventful trip."

'That's why we have the Hecate,' Burke responded with a wry smile, 'Starfleet's been tempted to send a ship across, but most of the available ships were either too untested, like the Constellation class, or lacked the firepower like the Centaur. Hecate was commissioned for this very purpose, and the crew assembled especially for it.' He shrugged, 'hopefully we've earned the Klingon's respect in battle over the last few decades so they'll hopefully not prove too burdensome.'

'We know the Imperial Fleet will leave us well alone. The armed forces of the Great and Minor Houses might be tempted to face off against us for notoriety, wouldn't you think?'

"The treaty didn't achieve widespread acceptance and there are some houses that remain openly opposed to it," Khiane said, "so, its almost a certainty that something's going to happen. Maybe not outright confrontation but they'll take advantage of any opportunities that arise. No doubt."

'We should be prepared for it.' Burked pushed another PADD across the table, 'I'm sure you've read the analysis reports. We should be prepared for the collapse of the government as well. Fracturing of the Empire in extremis. It's unlikely, but I'd like you to go over our contingency plans in case we're stuck on the other side of the Empire and alone if that happens.'

"I will," Khiane said as she reached forward to pull the PADD in. "The contentious nature of the individual houses will be in our favor should that occur. There's some debate on how long the government will hold together. Too many factors in play at the moment to know for certain. But we'll be keeping an eye on things."

'Thank you - I know we'll be in good hands with you, Commander.' Burke looked at her and smiled, avoiding the eyes in case of provocation. 'I believe we'll work well together. I hope you'll come to the same conclusion.'

"Early days, Captain," Khiane said, "but, as they say among my people, the signs are all favorable."

'Favourable signs are all we can ask for at this stage,' Burke relaxed, 'now, unless there's anything else you'd like to raise, please don't let me take up any more of your time.'

"Nothing else, Sir," Khiane said as she smoothly to her feet. "Time to introduce myself to the ship and its crew."

'I wish them the best of luck,' Burke got to his feet and showed his new Executive Officer the door. 'I'm sure they're going to need it.'


Captain Robert Burke
Commanding Officer
USS Hecate

Commander Khiane Mau
Executive & Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Hecate


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