
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 9:43pm

Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore

Name Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore

Position Executive Officer

Second Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Iotian (Sigma Iotia II)
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5′ 11″
Weight 184lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Vin has a fit and athletic build with shoulder length hair. His body has several tattoos and scars which either come from a story from his childhood or Intelligence Missions. As long as you have the clearance to hear it. When not in uniform he can often be seen in a variety of matching suits. Even though it had been a long time since he was able to go back to his home planet of Sigma Iotia II, he still likes to dress and live like a 20th century gangster.


Father Silvano 'Sil' Salvatore
Mother Cristiana Lorenzo
Brother(s) Carlo (Older), Niko (Younger)
Sister(s) Valentina (Fraternal Twin)
Other Family Lola (Betazoid Cat)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vincent is often quick witted and charismatic. Despite it leading him into trouble. While he does have a tendency to joke and appear laid back, he can be firm and aggressive when he has to be. Flipping a switch from fun to furious in a blink of an eye. He is sometimes very open with his life and homeworld. However, his lips will seal shut when the topics of his Intelligence Missions or the kidnapping from his homeworld comes up.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Vincent is often seen as brave and loyal. He will sometimes go above and beyond to help someone close. He's well known for his quick thinking, sleight of hand, and ability to blend into a humanoid looking crowd which made him a great asset in Starfleet Intelligence.

Weaknesses: Vincent may have become accustomed to living in a technological world, as well as being made aware of other species and worlds, his curiosity often leads to trouble. In fact, despite living on Earth and becoming a part of Starfleet there are certain vices he can't seem to sake, like smoking cigarette, drinking alcohol, and gambling.
Ambitions To Command his own ship and have a family. To make it home to Sigma Iotia II and find out what happened to his friends and family.
Hobbies & Interests Music, Art, Reading, Dancing, Cards, Cars, Guns, Blades, Sleight of Hand Tricks, Street Magic, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Hand to Hand Combat, Drinking, and Gambling

Personal History Sigma Iotia II

Vincent was born and raised in a community referred to as Little Italy along with his parents and other siblings. He spent most of his life looking up to his older brother, Carlo, and confiding in his fraternal twin sister, Valentina. For years he would be in his older brother shadows. Watching how he interacted with others. Learning from him. Getting into fights. On Sigma Iotia II, the life of a hood was all he knew and building up a reputation in the streets was all you needed.

He began at the bottom. Being a lookout for his older brother and his friends. Acting as muscle for when they extorted a local mom and pops store for protection. Even getting involved in the group fights with other small time crews. Eventually, he moved up to pick-pocket and thief, breaking into homes and taking peoples valuables. On the side he would con people into giving up their money and valuables. He was certainly building up a reputation as a criminal who would either use his charm or his quick hands to rob you.

In his teen years, Vincent was developing his own reputation on the streets. He was no longer shadowing his big brothers, but he had his own crew to managed, in the hopes of rising in the ranks like his big brothers did. One night, while hanging around with his friends and looking for something to do, they came across a suspicious warehouse. The warehouse was believed to be abandoned and out of the way, but there was power and odd sounds coming from it. The group decided to investigate, in the hopes of finding something valuable, but ran into something unexpected. What they came across was odd devices and technology they had never seen before and a group of people in odd uniforms with strange looking faces. Scare and confused, the group ran for their lives, but Vincent fell behind and was taken by the strange group. Away from his friends. His family. Even from his planet.


During this time of his life, Vincent went through an ordeal of emotions. Taken from his friends and family. Eventually learning he was taken from his world. Treated like a prisoner on some days and a test subject on others. He came to learn that not only was he no longer going back home, but that there were strange creatures and aliens that weren't like the stories he read as a kid. They ate strange food and looked different. Vincent even found it difficult to wake up without feeling the sun on his face or skin.