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Flying Under The Sensor

Posted on Thu Jan 18th, 2024 @ 1:53pm by Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore

870 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: The Mallard
Timeline: Before: Rendezvous


Onboard the Galileo type shuttle, The Mallard, an Intelligence Team sat at their consoles as the shuttle cruised through space. The team had just finished at an outpost and were on their way to another in order to collect any data it had collected that was marked as urgent for analysis. The team in question was in the middle of going through their last pick up of information.

"I got another one!" One of the officers shouted as he held up a PADD.

"We have got to be in the triple digits by now." Another chuckled slightly before adding. "Who thought the big and tough Klingons were so... sappy?"

The first officer stood up from his chair, cleared his throat, and proceeded to read what was on the PADD in a deep voice. "My Fierce Mate, Jidoss, Daughter of Hegrun, of the House of Drutan. Today we won a great battle. Many songs will be sung of this day as another enemy to the Empire has fallen in glorious battle. The battle was fierce and long and blah blah blah blah" The group began to laugh together as he sat back down and placed the PADD down. "These Klingons can't stop using the same words in every letter to their families. Somebody introduce them to a PADD of synonyms or something. Anything so at least we aren't reading the same damn thing over and over and over."

As the three laughed one of the ops coms went off. The closest officer went over to the console and tapped the message to show what it was and where it came from. After a few seconds of looking it over he turned to the others and said. "We got a problem?"

"What's wrong? System can't be close to full?" Another officer asked as he walked over to the console.

"A Starfleet ship was hit close by. The USS Cato was the one attacked. According to this the USS Hecate is assisting. From the reports it looks to be an Orion Syndicate attack." The Officer tapped the console again before looking over his shoulder to the other. "We've been asked to assist without compromising our current mission."

The officer behind him let out a sigh before looking over to the Lieutenant at the helm. "Erik... set a course. I'll go wake up the Commander."

The officer at the Ops console turned back around and laughed slightly. "Better you than me."

The Lieutenant walked down to the end of the shuttle where a man was seated with his back facing him. The officers eyes were lock on a monitor, his ears were covered in order to filter the sound to him so as not to disturb anyone, as he his arms were crossed over his chest. On occasion he would let out a bit a chuckle before returning to silence. As the Lieutenant approached, easing his hand forward to touch his shoulder, the officer let out another chuckle.

When he felt a hand on his shoulder the Officer immediately turned around with his fist drawn back before stopping. He was startled by the sudden disturbance. He enjoyed his time away from the reports on the screens. Most importantly, he hated being disturbed. As he lowered his hand, unclenching his fist, he let out a sigh before asking. "You better have a good reason for interrupting me when I'm watching my program, Lieutenant." He said in a firm tone and slightly old Brooklyn accent a he removed the ear pieces from his ears.

"We have orders, Commander. A Starfleet ship was attacked by the Orions and we've been asked to assist." The Lieutenant replied a bit hesitantly.

"Well..." The Commander began as he smirked slightly. "It's about time we go some action, boys. Point this flying saucer in their direction and step on it. We got us a case."

The other Intel Officers looked at him oddly before looking at each other in confusion.

The Commander let out a sigh, running his hands through his chair, combing it back. "Someone get on the Helm and set a course. Maximum speed." He then held his hands out and smirked. "That better, fellas?"

"Aye, Commander Salvatore." The Lieutenant replied before walking over to the helm and sitting down. He set a course for the Cato and Hecate's reported location and set a course. "Course laid in, Sir. Speed set to Maximum."

The Commander rolled his eyes slightly and returned to his seat. He didn't see a need for them to repeat his last orders but it was their way and he wasn't going to give them a hard time for doing what they were trained to do. Even though he was brought up to speed on their way of doing things he was still, in a way, a man out of time. He longed for the days of walking down the street to the news to see how his team was progressing or to Carmine's Diner for some food and Miss Delgado's delicious apple pie. Those were the days. He longed for those days.



Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore
Chief Intelligence Officer/Executive Officer


Unnamed NPCs


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