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Rendezvous - Part IV- A Call to Action

Posted on Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 9:50pm by Captain Robert Burke

1,574 words; about a 8 minute read

Location: Archanis System - USS Cato - USS Hecate
Timeline: MD029 1340 hours


Vincent nodded his head and followed Burke. "She may not be ready now, but she will be when we need her." He said as he took out a com-device and flipped it on. The familiar trilling that came from the speaker signifying a com-link had been established.

"Go ahead, Commander." Came a voice from the other side.

"Casey... Salvatore. Get you and the boys over to the Mallard and prepare her for launch. Orion's making a move on the Hecate." Vincent said firmly, raising his voice a bit.'

"But, Sir...."

"Do I sound remotely finish?" He interrupted as a silence hit the com-channel. Vincent continued. "When you get to the Mallard I want you to transfer all data we have on the Orion Syndicate this will help the Hecate deal with them better. Attack formations. Ship configurations. Anything that will make those Green Bastards think twice before rushing us again." There was a slight pause before he concluded strongly with. "Now... I am done."

"You got it, Sir." The Officer on the other end responded. "Casey Out."

Vincent closed the com-device as he continued on Burke's heels to the bridge. "Your crew will be getting everything the need shortly, Captain."

'Thank you Commander,' Burke replied with an acknowledging nod. He leaned against the central rail that ran in a crescent around the Bridge. Brooding for a moment, he considered the three ships that had dropped out of warp on top of them.

Tugging his maroon jacket into place, Burke strode onto his Bridge, looking about as the Red Alert klaxons sounded and the blood red lights flashed urgently. 'Give me a fix on those Orion ships,' he called out to Dari. 'On the Main Viewer.'

She nodded and brought up the Orion ships on the viewscreen with all the pertinent data on the right side. "That's what we have so far, sir., four ships. "One more just dropped out of warp to join the others.

Of course, Burke thought as a larger vessel appeared behind the screen of three frigates. 'A typical Orion configuration,' he declared grimly. 'Most likely the larger ship is carrying a few assault shuttles at the least.'

'Commander Salvatore, can you communicate discretely with the Cato to ascertain her ready status? A tight beam comm should be stealthy enough. I'm not expecting much at this point, but anything could be useful.' Burke turned to Operations and the duty officer there. 'Ops, hail the larger Orion ship, let's see if we can get them talking, then we can launch the Mallard.'

"Hailing frequencies open Captain," the young Andorian ensign said from the console. His antennae were shot straight up on high alert as he shifted his gaze from the console back to the main viewer.

Acknowledging the man's work, Burk turned to the Main Viewer.

'This is Captain Burke of the United Federation of Planets vessel USS Hecate to Orion vessel. To whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?' he began languidly, stalling for time.

The main screen flickered to a dark setting with a large figure in the shadows. He approached the screen, becoming larger as he slammed his hands on the desk in front of him, a thunderous voice burst out of his lips. "Stand down or be destroyed, Captain Burke of the United Federation!" He tilted his head slightly, his bald green head and metal plate shined a bit, before his eyes focused on the screen again. "Gamek demands its." He slammed his fist again, his eyes briefly shifting away before looking back.

'Gamek, is it?' Burke asked, holding his hands behind his back. 'You are aware that you're deep within Federation territory? IF you power down your weapons, and leave, I can assure you that Starfleet will not harm you, neither will the Federation pursue redress with the Orion Trading Consortium.'

Gamek let out a angry groan before his eyes wandered off-screen again. He slammed his fists on the desk again, shouting. "Romulan Space! Klingon Space! Federation Space! All Orion Space!!" He stared intently at Captain Burke intently, a slight growl in his throat, as he continued to speak. This time in a low, but deep voice. "Captain Burke of United Federation stand down or be destroyed. Battle not with Federation, but battle can be if Burke refuses. Many Orions in the dark of space. Many guns in the dark of space." His eyes wandered again, this time they lingered off screen longer before they shot back to Burke and his voice raised again. "Federation claim to be smart. Be smart! Stand down!"

Burke arched an eyebrow, 'I think what would be smart Captain Gamek is if you would care to allow your superior to interact with us. I'm sure she finds having to pass her instructions through your clearly faulty intermediation quite frustrating. As do I.'

Gamek slammed his fists on the desk. "Gamek is Captain!" He shouted loudly before gripping the bottom of the desk and grunting in anger. His grunting turned into a full blown scream as he tore the desk from the floor and flipped it over.

"It's alright, Gamek." Came a soothing female voice from off the screen. Slowly a green feminine hand came into view and was placed on Gamek's forearm. The giant Orion eventually began to breath a bit calmly and eventually stood up straight. The rest of the woman began to appear on the screen as he walked closer to Gamek, placing her hand on top of his head, slowly running her fingers along his head. "You tried... and that's what counts, my dear. Perhaps, next time, you can leave the desk intact?"

Gamek narrowed his eyes at Burke, but slowly his gazed wandered to the exotic green beauty that came into frame. His angry look slowly diminished and he eventually nodded. He would begin to walk off, in an almost zombielike trance, soon disappearing from view.

The woman turned to face Burke from the view screen. A smile across her face as she took a step forward and placing her hands behind her back. His long black hair resting on her shoulders and going down the front and back of her body. All she had on her was a raggedy top and skirt that was split to reveal her long legs. "Captain Burke of the United Federation of Planets." She said with a smirk before adding softly. "That was rude of you to call Gamek faulty." The woman brought up her hand, holding up her index finger, before wagging it slowly from side to side. "Clearly, he isn't the best talker by your perfect worlds standards, but I don't keep him around for that now do I?" She placed her hands behind her back again before stating in her soft voice. "I am the one you seek."

'A pleasure,' Burke replied, politely declining to comment on her attire. The Orion was already strikingly different from the ones he had encountered before from her hair colour alone. Seeking to stall further, Burke smiled, and spread his hands. 'Unfortunately, Gamek isn't the best example of Orion manhood I've come across in my time. You could do better, Madam ... I'm afraid I don't know your name.'

"Vella..." She replied softly before taking a step forward as her smirk quickly disappeared. Her voice took on a dark tone as she continued. "And I sooner kill you than bed you, Captain." Vella cold stare continued for a few more seconds before her smile appeared again and she returned to her soft and pleasant tone. "Now... Will you stand down or have you chosen death?"

Ryssa had a hand over her mouth as she considered the Orion. "Well, from the looks of things, bedding her IS death," she whispered too softly to be picked up by the other woman.

Resisting a smile, Burke regarded the Orion woman coolly for a moment before a shake of his head. 'No, Vella, I don't believe we'll be standing down. Four Orion vessels against a ship like the Hecate is unfortunately no match. Far be it for a human to argue this, but the logical choice is for your vessels to disengage, and depart, and nothing more need to be said about this.'

Vella laughed, amused at the thought, placing a hand on her chest. As soon as the laughing subsided, a devious smile remained, as she peered into the view screen toward Burke. "Captain... for every four you see... there are many more you don't." He smile quickly faded as she gestured to someone off screen. "You're running out of time and I am running out of patience. Remove yourselves from this conflict of be dragged into it long enough to see what happens after you die. You've been warned." She snapped her fingers as the screen cut.

'Well I guess we have our answer,' Burke said out loud with a sigh.

[To be Continued ...]


Captain Robert Burke
Commanding Officer
USS Hecate

Commander Vincent 'Vin' Salvatore
Executive and Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Commander Jeremiah 'James' McEntyre Jr
Chief Medical Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Commander Lachlan Lamont
Chief Security Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant Ryssa Dari
Chief Science Officer
USS Hecate

Lieutenant (JG) Austin Faust
Chief Operations Officer
USS Hecate


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