
1. Posting requirements – a minimum of two posts per player per month. Players who do not meet the minimum amount consistently over a period of three months will be removed. It is expected that Department Heads will be exceeding that amount, pursuant to Rule 2.
2. LOAs and ELOAs – Real Life will get busy, unforeseen circumstances will arise and a player may need to step away from the sim for a period, this is perfectly valid. If the time is up to 5 days, please request an LOA, if the time required will be greater than 5, please request an ELOA. A member of the command team will check in on you during an ELOA to see how you’re doing.
3. NPCs – Sim writers are strictly limited to two linked NPCs. Occasionally if the mission requires it, the Command Team will issue a call on the Discord server for mission-specific NPCs that are in need of writers. No-one is obligated to have an NPC, although it does help. Linked NPCs must have a short bio and profile picture. NPCs are expected to be of Lieutenant rank or below and will be non-department heads.
4. Non-canon species – Non-canon species are accepted provided they do note break Theta Fleet rules. Please be as detailed as possible in noting the species characteristics, traits and culture
5. In-character actions – In-character behaviour will have in-character consequences. Actions that lead to reprimands, citations, demotions and even death will be followed through to their logical conclusion.
6. Writing for other player’s characters – writing for other players’ characters is strictly forbidden.
7. Sim command staff decisions – Sim Command Team decisions are final.
8. USS Hecate and Canon – Star Trek has a constantly evolving timeline. The USS Hecate sim is set in the post-Undiscovered Country time period, and as such is in the past for the current Starfleet Timeline. It is currently expected that the Hecate’s timeline will conform closely to that of the TOS, TMP and TNG era. This means inevitable interactions with Canon. Alpha Canon will be respected, but we will expect flexibility from writers as the aim of the game is to develop our own writing and story.
9. Be Nice – Sim members who are found to be rude and abusive to other game members will be removed.
10. Have Fun! – We’re here to have fun, and this is the most important rule.