Commander Vesna

Name Vesna

Position Executive Officer

Second Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Denobulan
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6f
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description She is average of high and build for a Denobulan female, her hair is brown and set to curl back on her head according to Denobulan fashion, though a little shorter than she’d wear it back home, to abide by Starfleet dress code. She has an intense face with dark blue eyes and a stubborn chin. She isn’t terribly physically strong but does hers to keep in shape.


Spouse Klaban, Mettus, Daphina
Children Yolen, Zepht, Miral
Father Vinku
Mother Miral

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vesna is high-energy, curious, and fun-loving, but gets a little easily bored, which is one of the reasons she joined Starfleet. She is also serious when the situation calls for it.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Intelligent
+ Calm under pressure
+/- Blunt
+/- stubborn
Ambitions She wants to explore as much of the quadrant, the galaxy really, as she possibly can, and she wants a command of her own.
Hobbies & Interests She enjoys team sports and is fairly competitive, she also keeps a few house plants in her quarters, missing greens when in space. When at the academy, she picked up playing the guitar.

Personal History Born in 2255, Vesna was the third child of the family-group, both her parents have 3 other spouses, who in turn have yet more spouses. She grew up the third oldest of 7 half- and whole siblings, among 4 mothers and 3 fathers in the same house, and she loved the closeness and security of the large family. Curious as almost every member of her species, she quickly became interested in other cultures too, and decided to join Starfleet.

She turned 18 and joined Starfleet in 2273, just as the Dominion War broke out, and her and her fellow Cadets had their taste of the horrors, especially during the Breen attack on Earth in 2275, where she lost two friends. She saw it as a reminder that the galaxy is a dangerous place, and that Starfleet’s peacekeeping and diplomacy missions are very important.

She had always been good at delegating, and she discovered she had a talent for it, and therefore choose the Command track, getting a helmsman education as a basis. She focussed on Helm operations, astronavigation, diplomacy, and leadership.

The openness and curiosity required already a big part of her culture. It also led to some issues, for example when she discovered that other species are not as open to polyamory as the Denobulans. Her high energy-level can also come off as pushiness.

While a cadet, she met Burke, and the two of them developed a friendly rivalry…..

After graduating, she served her ensign years as a navigator on the USS Regulus, and it was here, at 25 she had her first maternity leave, giving birth to Yolen. After returning, she continued on the Regulus, eventually given a promotion to full Lieutenant. Two years later, she went on another maternity leave, this time giving birth to twins Zepht and Miral. Realising that keeping up with the number of children Denobulans normally have and a speeding Starfleet career were incompatible, she made a decision to not have any more kids. She knows that the kids primarily spend time with her husbands and wife and does feel a little guilty about how little leave she has the time for, on the other hand, she knows they’re well-cared for.

As a Lieutenant Commander, she was transferred to the USS Shen, where she took the helm, though not yet as first officer. She was, however, in the lead of away missions, and had the opportunity to horn her skills at command and diplomacy. She stayed at the Shen long enough to be her first officer, serving a year in this position. After a year, she applied for a transfer to the USS Hecate.
Service Record USS Regulus 2278-2282
USS Shen 2283-2295
USS Hecate 2295